Saturday, November 14, 2009

Whenever I hear "Unsinkable Ships" by Tim McGraw, I think about Maggie. I have learned to never underestimate the impossible.

She is improving in her own right. Sometimes I swear I can almost hear her using words. That would be a big thing. She definitely likes what she likes as she sits in my lap while I type this, trying to type her own stuff, infactuated by the keys and the computer.
She loves electronics and remote controls. I think it is the sounds and lights that things make that she loves so much.

At her therapy on Wednesday, I was told that the Developmental Pediatrition is going to come in and give her some sort of diagnosis. Part of me really wants to hear what that person has to say and the other half of me is so scared. There is a chance she could be diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and not just developmental delays. That option sits in the back of my mind and I am afraid she may never get much better or be able to function well in society. I pray she can rise above this. Those are only underlying fears that I try not let control my thinking.

She has come so far and I am amazed by her. I just hope and pray she continues along this path.

Apparently, she is going to get into school next year. I am excited about that. We have a great school system here.

I love to watch her dance. She makes me smile....